Allowlisting, Pausing, and Disabling AdBlock for Safari

There are a number of ways to see ads when using the AdBlock for Safari Mac app. The following information outlines the options available to display ads (and block them again if you no longer want to see them).


Allowlisting Sites and Pages

Allowlisting tells AdBlock to display ads every time you visit a certain site or page. There are two ways to access the allowlisting feature: through the AdBlock toolbar icon, or through the AdBlock app.

Using the AdBlock toolbar icon

Adding a page or site to the allow list
  1. Click the AdBlock toolbar icon on the Safari toolbar. Under Allow ads on this... select either Page or Site. When added to the allow list, the button will turn blue.
  2. You will need to refresh the page for the changes to take effect. It may take a few seconds for all the previously blocked or hidden ads to appear. 

Note: Selecting "Page" will only display ads on the page you are currently on (and continue to display them every time you return to the page). Selecting "Site" will display ads everywhere on the site (and continue to display them every time you return to the site).

Removing a page or site from the allow list
  1. Click the AdBlock toolbar icon on the Safari toolbar. Under Allow ads on this... deselect either Page or Site. Once removed from the allow list, the button will no longer appear in blue.
  2. You will need to refresh the page for the changes to take effect. 

Using the AdBlock app

Adding a page or site to the allow list

The easiest way to add a site to your allow list is by using the AdBlock toolbar icon but you can also manually enter a site through the app.

  1. Open the AdBlock for Safari app.
  2. Click on the Ad Blocking tab.
  3. Under "Allow ads on a site" select Manage.
  4. Enter the URL of the site where you want to see ads.


Removing a page or site from the allow list
To remove a URL, simply click on the trash icon next to it. url.png


Pausing and Unpausing

When you pause AdBlock, you are temporarily allowing ads to show on every site you visit. You can use the AdBlock menu bar icon, the AdBlock toolbar icon or the AdBlock app to pause and unpause. Just click the red pause button to show ads. To resume blocking ads, click the blue play button.


Disabling AdBlock for Safari

You should never need to disable AdBlock entirely while you're browsing the web. Pausing AdBlock or adding a site to your allowlist will generally get you past "anti-adblock" blockades. But if something on a web page isn't working and pausing AdBlock doesn't help, try disabling AdBlock as a test. If the page displays as expected, please let us know. If the page doesn't display correctly with AdBlock disabled, then the issue is something other than AdBlock.

To disable AdBlock completely, go to Safari > Settings > Extensions and select the AdBlock Engine checkbox. When unselected, the AdBlock extension is disabled and no ads are blocked.



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