A web page doesn't work or looks wrong with AdBlock on

There are several reasons a web page can seem to "break" with AdBlock on and work fine with AdBlock off. One of the most common culprits? The EasyPrivacy filter list, which blocks trackers. This is especially true if you're having trouble on a site like Google Analytics, which tends to confuse the tracker-blocking filter lists. For sites like this, we recommend either pausing AdBlock or allowlisting the site, or temporarily disabling the EasyPrivacy filter list.

(Is a website asking you to disable AdBlock? Follow these steps instead.)

Here are the things you'll want to check if a page isn't loading properly with AdBlock enabled:

Is AdBlock the Problem?
  1. Click the AdBlock toolbar icon and select Once on the pop-up menu.
  2. Reload the page that's not working.

If the page works without AdBlock, continue following the steps below. If the page doesn't look right even with AdBlock disabled, there's something else going on. Try skipping to "Are You Using Multiple Extensions?" below.


Was Something Blocked Manually?

If you've blocked something manually on the page, you may have accidentally blocked too much (or something that the website needs to work properly. Follow these steps to check for manual blocks that may be causing problems:

  1. While you're on the page, click the AdBlock toolbar icon.
  2. Select Undo my hidden items.

If you're still having trouble, continue following the steps below.


Are Your Filter Lists Updated?

AdBlock uses filter lists to know how to block and hide ads. One of them may be blocking something it shouldn't. We don't maintain the filter lists or provide support for custom filters you may be using. If a filter list is at fault, the instructions below will help you identify it and report it to the right people to have it fixed. If the culprit is a custom filter, these instructions will help you isolate it so that you can fix or remove it. If the page that isn't working now worked fine before, then it's very likely that a recent update to a filter list you're subscribed to introduced a bad filter. The list authors may have already fixed it and you just haven't received the latest update yet.

  1. Click the AdBlock toolbar icon and click the gear symbol.
  2. On the Filter Lists tab, click update now.
  3. Reload the page where you're seeing the problem.

Is the problem gone? Great! The problem was caused by a bad filter in a recent filter list update. The list authors released another update that fixed the problem and now you have it. If you're still having trouble, continue following the steps below.


Are You Using Custom Filters?
If the box on the Customizetab under "Manually edit your filters" is empty, you're not using Custom Filters. You can skip this step.
  1. On the Customize tab in AdBlock's options, next to "Manually edit your filters," click Edit.
  2. Copy everything in the custom filters box into a text file for safekeeping.
  3. Delete everything in the box and click Save.
  4. Reload the page where you're seeing the problem.

Is the problem gone? Great! One of your custom filters is the culprit. Put them back one at a time, reloading the problem page after each one. When the page breaks again, the custom filter you added last is the bad one. Delete or fix it. You're all done.

If you're still having trouble, continue following the steps below.


Is a Filter List Not Working?

If you got this far, it means that manually updating your filter lists didn't fix the problem. That means the filter list authors aren't aware of it yet. You can be a good web citizen by determining which filter list is at fault and reporting the problem to the list authors.

  1. On the Filter Lists tab in AdBlock's options, note which filter lists you're subscribed to.
  2. Unsubscribe from all the filter lists.
  3. Reload the page where you’re seeing the problem.

Is the problem gone? Great! One of the filter lists is the culprit. Re-enable them one at a time. Wait for AdBlock to fetch the list, then reload the problem page. Keep doing this until the page breaks again. The filter list you enabled last is the bad one. Please report the problem to the list's authors. If you're still having trouble, continue following the steps below.

Are You Using Multiple Extensions?

This is rare, but it can happen. If unchecking all the filter lists did not fix the problem, try the same thing with your browser extensions. Disable all of them, then re-enable the extensions one by one, reloading the problem page after each. Keep doing this until the page breaks again. The extension you enabled last is the bad one.

If you don't need the extension, remove it. Otherwise, report the problem to the extension developers. You can usually find their contact information in the extension settings or in your browser's extension store.

Still Having Trouble?
If you're still having issues even after following the above steps, we recommend trying the following three steps in order:
  1. Clear your browser's cache and cookies
  2. Restart your browser
  3. Uninstall and reinstall AdBlock
If you've tried all of these suggestions and you're still seeing the problem, please let us know. Be sure to tell us what you have already tried. We'll do our best to help!
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