I want a refund or I want to cancel my subscription

I want a refund

No problem! If you change your mind about paying for AdBlock just let us know within in 60 days. If you want a refund because you are seeing ads, be sure to try the steps in this article first: Seeing unblocked ads? Start here!

Please don't dispute the charge through PayPal or your credit card company. We are always happy to work with you. When you dispute a charge it can freeze the money and delay your refund.


Every week we receive hundreds of refund requests for ad blocking products that aren't even ours. Before contacting us, to save us all time, if there's an email address or a website on your receipt, please use that to ensure you are contacting the right company. If the email or website isn't "getadblock.com" it's not our product.

To receive a refund, please send send your receipt or a screenshot of the charge as it appears on your billing statement to support@getadblock.com


I paid more than 60 days ago. Can I still get a refund?

Possibly. We will try our best to get you a full refund depending on the circumstances. Please note that if you paid more than five months ago, we will not be able to refund your payment.


I paid for AdBlock and now I need to reinstall it. Do I have to pay again?

No! You're welcome to reinstall AdBlock, or install it on additional computers, as often as needed without paying again. You can dismiss the install page that displays by clicking the "x" on the tab at the top of the page. If you've paid for Premium and it's not reflected on your extension, please see this article: Unlock AdBlock Premium.


I want to cancel my subscription (recurring payment)

If you set up a recurring payment and change your mind, it's easy to cancel your subscription. 

Premium subscriptions

If you have a Premium subscription, you can cancel on the subscription management page: How to manage your AdBlock Premium subscription.

Paddle subscriptions

If your payment was made through Paddle, you can cancel your subscription here: https://paddle.net/.

PayPal subscriptions

If you paid using PayPal, you can cancel your subscription directly from your PayPal account. To cancel a recurring subscription log into your PayPal account and go to https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/autopay/. Click on AdBlock in your list of automatic payments. At the bottom of the page, click on Remove PayPal as payment method.

Other payment methods

For all other payment methods send a request to support@getadblock.com. To help us find your payment faster, please contact us with the email associated with your subscription and include a copy of your receipt or a screenshot of the charge as it appears on your billing statement.



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