Can I allow ads on most sites while blocking Taboola ads everywhere?

You can, but it takes some work. This is similar to using AdBlock in allowlist mode. Allowlist mode works on entire sites, however, not on individual requests such as a particular kind of ad. Here's how to simulate AdBlock's allowlist mode and still block Taboola ads.

1.  Disable the ad-blocking filter lists and create a custom blocklist filter for Taboola ads:

  1. AdBlock button and select Options.
  2. On the FILTER LISTS tab, clear the check boxes to disable all of the filter lists. This includes EasyList, Adblock Warning Removal list, AdBlock Custom, and any other filter lists such as language-specific.
  3. On the CUSTOMIZE tab, click Edit to open AdBlock's custom filters box.
  4. Paste the following filter in the text box:

2. Create custom blocklist filters for a site where you do not want to see ads.

  1. Visit the site. In this example, we'll use
  2. Use the resource page to see what AdBlock is blocking and hiding on the site.
  3. Copy each blocking filter in the resource list and paste it in AdBlock's custom filters box.
  4. To make sure you get all the ads, refresh the page a couple of times and copy/paste any new filters that appear.
  5. Paste the following text at the end of each filter in the box.
    If the filter contains a "$" paste this: ,
    If the filter doesn't already contain a "$" then paste this: $
  6. Click Save.


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