Seeing AdBlock's payment page more than once or AdBlock settings are changing

You should only see our payment page when you install AdBlock. If you are seeing it every time you open your browser, or if AdBlock's options are changed back to the default settings every time you open your browser, it means something is returning AdBlock to its default "just installed" state every time you close your browser.

There was a problem initializing AdBlock after an update

Regardless of the browser you are using, if a browser encounters a problem updating AdBlock, it may reset AdBlock to its default state and not tell you first. A good first step is to try reinstalling AdBlock which should set things right again: How to install, uninstall, or reinstall AdBlock. Note: every time you install AdBlock, you'll see our payment page. Close it by clicking the "x" on the tab.

If you run into the same issue again after reinstalling, continue with the steps below for the browser you are using:


You're using a cookie, disk, or file cleaning program

Some system applications and browser extensions are designed to delete some of your browsing data when you close your browser. Ccleaner is one of the more well-known of these, but there are many others. You may be using one that is deleting data that AdBlock needs to "remember" settings between browsing sessions.

Make sure to tell the software not to remove "localStorage" files, because that's where AdBlock's settings are stored. To do this, exclude the following folder:

C:\Users\{yourusername}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\{yourprofilename}\Local Storage

In the path above, replace "{yourusername}"with your Windows username and "{yourprofilename}" with the name you gave your Chrome profile.

Here's an example:

C:\Users\jane\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Jane\Local Storage

If you didn't create a specific user profile, use "default," like this:

C:\Users\jane\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\default\Local Storage


Problems with Chrome Profiles

If you have tried the suggestion above or if you don't use a cookie cleaning application, it probably means that either your Chrome profile or Chrome itself has become corrupted. If you haven't already tried reinstalling AdBlock, do that now.

As noted above, our payment page will open once AdBlock has installed. If you don't want to pay for AdBlock at this time, just close the page by clicking the "x" on the tab. If our payment page appears again after that or your settings aren't remembered the next time you open Chrome, try installing AdBlock in a new Chrome profile.

If the problem happens even in a new Chrome profile, try these additional Chrome troubleshooting steps.


You're using a cookie, disk, or file cleaning program

Some system applications and browser extensions are designed to delete some of your browsing data when you close your browser. Ccleaner is one of the more well-known of these, but there are others. You may be using one that is deleting data that AdBlock needs to "remember" its settings between browsing sessions.

Make sure to tell the software not to remove "localStorage" files, because that's where AdBlock's settings are stored. 


You're subscribed to too many filter lists

Firefox offers a limited amount of memory available for add-ons to store their settings. Each filter list you subscribe to and every custom filter you add takes up some of that space. If you have too many, AdBlock will run out of storage space and be forced to discard whatever doesn't fit.

We recommend subscribing to no more than three or four filter lists. (Wondering which filter lists you really need?) We also suggest that you not enable AdBlock's advanced mode if you don't need advanced options, since that uses more storage space than basic mode.


Your Firefox preferences file or profile might have become corrupted

If you have tried the suggestions above or if you don't use a cookie cleaning application, it probably means that either your Firefox preference fie or profile or Firefox itself has become corrupted. 

If you haven't already tried reinstalling AdBlock, do that now. As noted above, our payment page will open. If you don't want to pay for AdBlock at this time, just close the page.

If the problem continues to happen, try these Firefox troubleshooting steps.


You're using a cookie, disk, or file cleaning program

Some system applications and browser extensions are designed to delete some of your browsing data when you close your browser. Ccleaner is one of the more well-known of these, but there are others. You may be using one that is deleting data that AdBlock needs to "remember" its settings between browsing sessions.

Make sure to tell the software not to remove "localStorage" files, because that's where AdBlock's settings are stored. To do this, exclude the following folder:

C:\Users\{yourusername}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\{yourprofilename}\Local Storage

In the path above, replace "{yourusername}" with your Windows username and "{yourprofilename}" with the name you gave your Edge profile.

Here's an example: 

C:\Users\jane\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Jane\Local Storage

If you didn't create a specific user profile, use "default," like this:

C:\Users\jane\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\default\Local Storage


A Windows Update might have broken Microsoft Edge

If the suggestions above either don't help or don't apply to you, it probably means that Microsoft Edge itself has become corrupted. This often happens after a Windows Update. Microsoft is aware of the issue.

If you haven't already tried reinstalling AdBlock, do that now. As noted above, our payment page will open. If you don't want to pay for AdBlock at this time, just close the page.

If that doesn't fix the problem, try these Microsoft Edge troubleshooting steps.


Still need help?

If you've tried the steps above and you still encounter an issue where the payment page opens every time you open your browser or your settings aren't remembered, before rating this article, please reach out to us so we can take a closer look at your situation: Submit a help request.

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