Making sure AdBlock is installed

On your computer

A quick way to tell whether AdBlock is installed is to look for the AdBlock icon on your browser's toolbar. The AdBlock icon looks like our logo, a white hand inside a stop sign:


If the icon is not on your toolbar, the most definitive way to check is to look for AdBlock in the list of extensions installed in your browser:

  • In Chrome or Edge, type about:extensions in the address bar
  • In Firefox, open the Firefox menu, select Add-ons and themes, and then click Extensions in the left sidebar
  • In Safari, go to Safari > Preferences > Extensions

If AdBlock is installed, but not enabled, simply toggle the option to enable it:

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 10.08.41 AM.png


If AdBlock isn't installed, you'll need to install it.

If AdBlock is installed and enabled but you don't see the AdBlock icon on the browser toolbar, you'll need to select the option to show it: How to pin the AdBlock menu to your browser.

Need to restore your Premium upgrade? 
Find steps here: Unlock AdBlock Premium


On your mobile device

Mobile browsers don't have a toolbar, so you'll need to look in the list of installed apps or browser extensions:

  • On your iPhone or iPad, look for the AdBlock icon in your apps.
  • On your Android device, open the Samsung Internet browser, tap the menu icon (three vertical dots), and select Extensions. You should see AdBlock under "Content blockers".

If AdBlock isn't installed on your mobile device, here's how to install and enable it.


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