About the Acceptable Ads program and "non-intrusive" ads

With AdBlock's default settings enabled, you will see occasional non-intrusive ads. That's because AdBlock participates in the Acceptable Ads program. The Acceptable Ads program defines strict guidelines to identify non-intrusive ads, which AdBlock shows by default. You can opt out of this setting at any time (see below).


Why should I agree to see Acceptable Ads?

When you allow Acceptable Ads to display, you are letting site owners know that you understand that viewing a few, non-intrusive ads is what allows them to provide their content to you for free. It tells them you will accept seeing a few smaller ads but that you will no longer tolerate large, distracting and obnoxious ads that keep you from focusing on the content you've come to enjoy. It also helps to prevent sites from giving you an all-or-nothing ultimatum in the form of anti-adblock walls that force you to disable your ad blocker to access their sites and to then be overwhelmed by flashing ads and pop-ups you have to dismiss. It makes it clear to site owners, ad blockers, and advertisers, that you want an internet that's fair. For everyone. 


Did AdBlock start the Acceptable Ads program?

No. The Acceptable Ads program was started by Eyeo GmbH. In 2017, Eyeo moved control of the Acceptable Ads program to a third-party review board.


Does that mean AdBlock makes money from advertisers?

No. AdBlock is not involved in running the Acceptable Ads program or deciding what advertisers are allowed in. We do not get a cut of the fees large advertisers pay to join. It's true that Eyeo earns revenue from large companies that pay to be included in the Acceptable Ads allowlist, however, the fees large companies pay subsidize smaller companies, which can join the allowlist for free. No company can pay to allow ads that don't meet the criteria.


Can I turn Acceptable Ads off?

Yes. We believe users should control what they see on the web. That, after all, is what AdBlock is all about. You can easily opt out of the Acceptable Ads program using the steps below.

Chrome, Firefox, and Edge
  1. Click on the AdBlock toolbar icon.
  2. Click on the gear symbol on the pop-up menu.
  3. Click on the Filter lists tab.
  4. Deselect the Acceptable Ads option. 
  5. Reload the page where you were seeing ads.
Safari (Mac)
  1. Open the AdBlock for Safari Mac app.
  2. On the AdBlock window click on the Ad blocking tab.
  3. Under "Change what AdBlock hides and shows" click on Manage.
  4. Toggle the option Allow some non-intrusive ads off.
  5. Reload the page where you were seeing ads.
Safari (iOS)
  1. Open the AdBlock for Mobile app and tap Settings.
  2. On the Settings screen, toggle the option Allow some non-intrusive ads to OFF.
  3. Reload the page where you were seeing ads.
Samsung Internet (Android)
  1. Open the AdBlock for Mobile app and tap Settings.
  2. On the Settings screen, toggle the option Allow some non-intrusive ads to OFF.
  3. Reload the page where you were seeing ads.


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