Getting started with AdBlock

New to AdBlock? You've come to the right place! AdBlock is designed to stop annoying ads, improve browser speeds, and protect yourself online. We're here to help you on your journey to an ad-free and less distracting online experience. After using AdBlock, you won't believe you ever lived without it!


Step 1: Install AdBlock

To install AdBlock (and to ensure you are not installing an imitation) visit and click the Get AdBlock Now button. This will take you to the right version of AdBlock for the browser you are using. If you need more detailed instructions, check out this article: How to install, uninstall, or reinstall AdBlock. Note: When you install AdBlock, you will see our payment page. You can dismiss the page by clicking the "x" on the tab. 



Step 2: Pin AdBlock to the Toolbar

Once installed, if you are using a desktop browser, be sure to pin the icon to your browser toolbar so you can easily access the AdBlock menu: Show the AdBlock icon in your browser toolbar.




Step 3: Adjust Your Settings

AdBlock begins blocking ads as soon as it's installed. However, you may want to consider making some adjustments. Below are the most popular options for our desktop browser extensions. Note: If you're using the AdBlock for Safari Mac app, check out our User Guide instead. 


Learn More

There is so much more you can do with AdBlock! We've worked hard to provide software that empowers YOU to take control of YOUR online experience. We invite you to learn more:

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