With AdBlock, you can easily allow ads on your favorite YouTube channels in Firefox, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge.
If you’re attempting to allow ads on your favorite YouTube channel and don’t see the option in your AdBlock menu, check out this article: I don't see an option to allow ads on a YouTube channel.
- Click the AdBlock button in the browser toolbar and select the gear icon to open the Options page.
- On the General Options tab, select Allow ads on specific YouTube channels. (Not seeing this?)
- Restart your browser or refresh the current page.
- Visit a video in the YouTube channel you want to allowlist.
- Click the AdBlock button in the browser toolbar and select Allow ads on this channel. (Not seeing this?)
First, make sure you’ve already enabled YouTube channel allowlisting by following the steps listed above. Next, toggle the switch labeled “Manage AdBlock settings from my YouTube subscriptions page” to on (it will turn blue). The switch can be found just below the option to “Allow ads on specific YouTube channels.”
Now you can add and remove channels from your AdBlock allowlist right from your YouTube subscriptions page. From this page, click the AdBlock Assistant icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and select “Allow Ads On All” to allow ads on all of your subscribed channels.
If you change your mind, you can resume normal ad blocking by selecting “Block Ads On All,” or you can remove channels individually from the YouTube subscriptions page or by clicking “Block ads on this channel” from any video posted by the channel you’d like to remove.