How to disable AdBlock on specific sites (Version 5.22 and earlier)


If you are updated to Version 6.2 of AdBlock we've recently released a new menu. Please see this article for the new design: Disabling AdBlock.

If you remain on Version 5.22 due to changes with Manifest V3 that prevent you from updating to the current version, please use the information below.

Are you trying to watch a video or read an article on a site that doesn't allow ad blockers? Do you want to support a site you love by allowing it to show you ads? Use the steps below to pause AdBlock temporarily or add a site to your allowlist to see ads every time you visit.

Note: The methods described below work in desktop browsers on Chrome, Firefox and Edge. There are similar steps for the Mac app. You can also pause AdBlock on your mobile device or add websites to your allowlist on your iPhone or iPad.


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Allow Ads On a Domain (Website)

To allow ads to show on the site you're currently visiting, click the AdBlock toolbar icon to open the AdBlock menu. Under Pause on this site, select Once to temporarily pause AdBlock on that site or Always to add the site to your allowlist. 

When paused once, AdBlock will automatically start blocking ads again when you leave the site. If paused always, the site will be added to your allowlist ensuring that ads will continue to show every time you visit the site.

To start blocking ads on a site again, click the AdBlock toolbar icon and select Unpause AdBlock. You can also manually remove the site from your allowlist:

  1. Click the AdBlock toolbar icon and select the gear symbol.
  2. On the Customize tab next to "Manually edit your filters," click Edit.
  3. Delete any line containing the name of the website.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Go back to the page you were viewing and reload it.
Always Allow Ads On a Page

To always allow ads to show on the page you're currently viewing, open the AdBlock menu, select More pause options, adjust the page slider to match the URL of the page you want to add to your allowlist, then click Exclude.

AdBlock will allow ads on the current page but will still block them everywhere else, including on other pages on the same site.

To start blocking ads on that page again open the AdBlock menu and select Unpause AdBlock or remove the page from your allowlist manually:

  1. Click the AdBlock toolbar icon and select the gear symbol.
  2. On the Customize tab next to "Manually edit your filters," click Edit.
  3. Delete any line containing the name of the page URL.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Go back to the page you were viewing and reload it.
Allow Ads On All Sites

To temporarily allow ads to show on all sites, right-click on the page and select Pause on all sites from the context menu. After enabling this, any site you visit will allow ads, however, all tabs and windows that are already open will need to be refreshed to allow ads. 

AdBlock will remain paused on all sites until the browser is restarted. To block ads again, right-click on the page and select Resume blocking ads from the context menu.

Alternatively, ads can be allowed on all sites by right-clicking on the AdBlock toolbar icon and selecting Pause on all sites from the menu.

To unpause, right-click on the AdBlock toolbar icon and select Resume blocking ads.


Allow Ads On a YouTube Channel
You can find instructions for how to allow ads on specific YouTube channels here.


Allow Ads Mode

If you prefer to allow ads on most sites, only blocking them on specific sites, you can set AdBlock to default to "off." We call this running AdBlock in "Allow Ads Mode," showing ads on all websites, and blocking them only where you tell it to.

Allow Ads Mode is similar to pausing AdBlock on all sites but in Allow Ads Mode you can still block ads on some websites, and AdBlock will remain in Allow Ads Mode until you turn it off.

To use AdBlock in Allow Ads Mode:

  1. Open the AdBlock menu (the AdBlock icon in the upper right-hand corner of your browser)
  2. Select the gear icon to open your Options page
  3. Click the Customize tab on the left
  4. Scroll down to "Stop blocking ads" and select "Show ads everywhere except for these domains"
  5. Add any sites where you prefer to keep ads blocked. This overides all other filters.


Create a Rule to Unblock Certain Ads

Exception (allowlist) rules always override blocking rules. If there is a particular ad you want to see, you can use AdBlock's resource page to create an exception to the rule that's blocking it.


If you disabled AdBlock and you still aren't seeing ads, you likely have another extension or other software preventing ads from showing: A site still asks me to turn off AdBlock although it's allowlisted or AdBlock is paused.

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