Use AdBlock's manual blocking wizard to block ads and more

If you're seeing a pesky unblocked ad (or something else that you'd like to block on a page) you can often use AdBlock's blocking wizard to remove it. This does not apply to our AdBlock for Safari Mac app, which does not support manual ad blocking. 

Note: We also have an advanced user option for more technical users who would like to have more control over the custom filter that's created. To activate the advanced user option, click the AdBlock toolbar icon > gear symbol > General and select "I'm an advanced user show me advanced options."

There are two methods for using the wizard to block something on a site you're visiting:

Hide Something on this Page
This option allows you to select the ad with your cursor after you've activated the manual ad blocking feature:
  1. Click the AdBlock toolbar icon and select Hide something on this page or right-click anywhere on the page, select AdBlock from the context menu, then click Hide something on this page.
  2. A dialog box will appear as a blue highlight follows your cursor around the page. When the blue highlights what you want blocked, click it.
  3. If the ad is successfully blocked, go to step 4. If it isn't completely gone or the page doesn't look right, use the slider to adjust the highlighted area. Be careful; blocking too much can break a page.
  4. Click Looks good
  5. If everything looks good and you want to the hidden item to remain hidden, click Confirm. (Advanced users, feel free to use the Edit button and tweak the filter rule to your heart's content.)
Block this Ad
This option requires that you select the ad you want to block before activating the manual ad blocking feature:
  1. Right-click the ad, select AdBlock on the context menu, and then click on Block this ad.
  2. If the ad is successfully blocked, go to step 3. If it isn't completely gone or the page doesn't look right, use the slider to adjust the highlighted area. Be careful; blocking too much can break a page.
  3. Click Looks good
  4. If everything looks good and you want the hidden item to remain hidden, click Confirm. (Advanced users, feel free to use the Edit button and tweak the filter rule to your heart's content.)


Can't block the ad manually?

If an ad can't be blocked by our manual blocking wizard, or if the ad is blocked but returns when you reload the page, the ad may be too sophisticated for our simple little wizard to handle. Now what?

First: make sure the Acceptable Ads filter list is off.

Next: try these troubleshooting steps for unblocked ads. If they don't remove the ad, then a custom filter can sometimes help. However, please keep in mind that it isn't always possible to block all ads on a site. Some sites make it impossible to block an ad without also blocking content.


Blocked too much?

You can undo your blocks using these steps.


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