AdBlock Premium is an exciting way to take your ad blocking experience to the next level with additional customizations and features only available to AdBlock supporters. In addition to the features below, when enabled, the Premium upgrade will prevent our contribution page from appearing when we update the extension.
On pages where we can replace ads with high-quality images, AdBlock Premium will replace a blocked ad with an image selected at random from our curated collection.
You can choose to see any combination of cats, dogs, landscapes, goats, ocean scenes, food, birds, or your own set of custom images, and you can change the image categories any time. Learn more: About Custom Image Swap
By unlocking AdBlock Premium you get access to our Backup & Sync feature, which allows you to mimic your AdBlock settings across all of your AdBlock extensions.
In order to use the Backup & Sync feature, you must unlock AdBlock Premium on each desktop extension that you want to sync. You do not need to pay a second time. Simply use your email address to unlock Premium on as many devices as you'd like and add each extension.
Unlocking AdBlock Premium allows you to select from a number of themes, which will apply to your AdBlock Menu and Options pages. Dark mode remains a free feature, but Premium users will have access to Solarized, Watermelon, and other unique themes: What are AdBlock themes?
With AdBlock Premium you have the option to block online distractions. This includes those irritating videos that follow you as you scroll, newsletter pop-ups that appear out of nowhere, annoying "Allow" notifications, and survey requests that show-up at the worst possible time.
Our latest Premium feature allows you to prevent cookie consent requests from appearing on most websites you visit: About Cookie Consent Cutter.
We are now including our VPN to the list of Premium features! As a new subscriber you will immediately have access to AdBlock VPN on all your supported devices. Learn more.
How do I upgrade? What if I already paid for Premium?
To purchase an upgrade or to redeem the upgrade on additional computers you use or after reinstalling, please see this article: Unlock AdBlock Premium.
Do I have to purchase Premium for each of my extensions?
No, you can use the same upgrade across all your supported browsers and profiles; there's no need to make multiple purchases. Please see this article to find steps on how to activate the upgrade on additional computers: Unlock AdBlock Premium.
Can I use Premium on my mobile device? What about Safari?
AdBlock Premium is only available on desktop versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. It's not available on Safari or on mobile devices.