Unlock AdBlock Premium

Whether you've already paid for AdBlock Premium and need to unlock your existing upgrade on additional browsers or profiles, or you need to purchase it for the first time, use the steps below to ensure all your extensions reflect Premium.


AdBlock Premium is only supported on desktop browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. It can't be used with Safari or our mobile apps.

Before unlocking Premium you will need to have the AdBlock extension installed: Making sure AdBlock is installed.

Purchase AdBlock Premium

To upgrade to AdBlock Premium on desktop extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, please do the following:

  1. Click on the AdBlock icon on your browser's toolbar. If the icon is not on the browser toolbar, be sure to pin it.
  2. Click the gear symbol on the AdBlock pop-up menu.
  3. On the options page, click the Premium tab.
  4. On the Premium page, click on Get It Now.
  5. Use the enrollment page to select your subscription type and billing frequency and then click on Complete Purchase.
  6. Provide your billing details on the checkout screens.

Once your purchase is complete, your extension should be automatically upgraded (tip: you'll see the "Premium" emblem on the AdBlock pop-up menu) and you can immediately try out the features on the Premium tab in AdBlock's options. If the extension does not automatically upgrade for any reason, you can manually enable the upgrade using the steps in the next section.

If you encounter any problems while upgrading, please see this article: Solutions to common issues unlocking Premium.

I have a Premium subscription or I've made a contribution

If you've already paid for AdBlock Premium, you can use the same upgrade to enable Premium on all your AdBlock desktop browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge:

    1. Make sure the AdBlock extension is installed: Making sure AdBlock is installed.
    2. Then go to our activation page: https://getadblock.com/en/premium/?already-contributed
    3. Enter the email address associated with your payment and click Submit.
    4. When you receive the emailed code, enter it in the field provided. If you don't receive the code, be sure to check your spam/junk folder. 

If you encounter any problems while upgrading, please see this article: Solutions to common issues unlocking Premium.


How to Access the Premium Features

Once you've unlocked Premium, you will see the Premium emblem appearing on the AdBlock menu. You can now access the Premium features using these steps:

    1. Click the AdBlock icon on your browser's toolbar. If you don't see the icon, make sure it's pinned: How to pin the AdBlock menu to your browser.
    2. Click the gear icon on the AdBlock pop-up menu.
    3. On AdBlock's options page, click the Premium tab located on the left side navigation panel.


Having trouble unlocking Premium?

If you encounter any issues while upgrading, please see this article: Solutions to common issues unlocking Premium.


Do I have to purchase Premium for each of my extensions?

No, you can use the same upgrade across all your supported browsers and profiles; there's no need to make multiple purchases. Please see the steps in the section "Enable AdBlock Premium (if you've already paid)" above on how to activate the upgrade on additional computers.


Can I use Premium on my mobile device? What about Safari?

AdBlock Premium is only available on desktop versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. It's not available on Safari or on mobile devices. 


Learn More About Premium

For other questions about Premium, please review the articles here: All about AdBlock Premium.

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