Using AdBlock Premium's Backup & Sync Feature

By unlocking AdBlock Premium you get access to our Backup & Sync feature, which allows you to share your AdBlock settings across all of your AdBlock extensions. Using this feature will ensure that all of your filter lists, custom filter rules, allowlists, and other AdBlock settings remain the same across all synced extensions. It also ensures that your settings will be restored if you need to reinstall AdBlock. Like all the Premium features, Backup & Sync is only available on desktop browsers for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.  It is not available on mobile devices.

In order to use the Backup & Sync feature, you must unlock AdBlock Premium on each device that you want to sync. You do not need to make additional payments. Just use the email address associated with your payment to redeem your upgrade.


To add an extension, click the AdBlock toolbar icon and select the gear symbol. Under Premium, select Backup & Sync. Click Add this Extension, provide a name for the extension, and click Add.


Once you’ve set up devices as Synced Extensions, their settings will be shared in each instance of the AdBlock extension. Note: custom images do not sync, because we do not store your custom images on our servers. 

To remove a synced extension, click the trash icon next to the extension you'd like to stop syncing. 


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