Allow ads on a site in AdBlock on iPhone or iPad

You can allow ads on sites in AdBlock for iOS. Please note, however, that Safari doesn't allow us to offer page-only allowlisting.

Changes you make to allowlisted sites aren't saved until you return to AdBlock's Settings page.

Allowlist a site

  1. In the AdBlock app, tap Settings, then tap Allowlist Websites
  2. Tap the text field and type the domain like this:
  3. Tap Go, then tap < Settings to save the allowlisted site(s)
  4. Wait about 30 seconds for AdBlock to process the allowlist filter(s)


Remove an allowlisted site

  1. In the AdBlock app, tap Settings, then tap Allowlist Websites
  2. Tap the trashcan icon next to the site you want to start blocking ads on again
  3. Tap < Settings to save your change(s)
  4. Wait about 30 seconds for AdBlock to process the allowlist filter(s)


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