A web page doesn't work or looks wrong with AdBlock on (iPhone/iPad)

If a web page isn't working properly when you visit in Safari on your iPhone or iPad with AdBlock, it's almost always a filter list issue rather than AdBlock itself.

First, make sure your filter lists are up-to-date. We don't control how often Apple lets us update the filter lists, so yours may be pretty old.

  1. Run AdBlock and click Update Filter Lists.
  2. Test the web page again.

If updating the filter lists didn't help, then one of the content blockers may contain a filter that is accidentally blocking too much, breaking the page. Here's how to tell.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap Safari > Content Blockers.
  3. Disable all three content blockers.
  4. Return to Safari and test the web page. Does it work now?
If the page works with all three content blockers disabled:
  1. Return to Settings > Safari > Content Blockers.
  2. Re-enable each content blocker one at a time, testing the web page after each, until you find the one that breaks the page.
  3. Open a ticket and let us know that you did these troubleshooting steps and which content blocker is causing the trouble.
If the page still doesn't work with all three content blockers disabled:
  1. Return to AdBlock's settings.
  2. Disable any language-specific filter lists you're subscribed to.
  3. Test the web page again.
  4. If the page works, open a ticket and let us know that you did these troubleshooting steps and which filter list is causing the trouble.
If you have disabled every single content blocker and filter list and the web page still doesn't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling AdBlock.
Finally, if even that doesn't get the page to work, please open a ticket! Be sure to provide your device model, iOS version, and AdBlock version.


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