YouTube channel allowlisting not working (no ads showing)

AdBlock is designed to block ads on YouTube, but we're all for supporting YouTube channels you love by allowing them to show you ads. That's why we created our YouTube channel allow ads feature

If you run into any issues with the allowlisting feature not working as expected on YouTube, follow these steps:

  1. First, make sure that there are ads on that channel (not every YouTuber chooses to have ads appear).
  2. While on YouTube, click the AdBlock toolbar icon to open the menu and select Once under "Pause on this site".
  3. Reload the page.
  4. If you don't see any ads with AdBlock paused, the video doesn't have ads. If you do see ads, open the AdBlock menu again and select Unpause AdBlock. Reload the page again. That should force the ads to show on that video. After that, ads should show automatically on all other videos on that channel.


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